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Questions - Landscaping


Q1. How much mulch, loam, or crushed stone do I need to dress up my property?
A1. One cubic yard of wood mulch, crushed stone or loam covers approximately 100 square feet to a depth of 2 to 3 inches. Determine the square footage of the areas you wish to dress up, and order the product accordingly. See our detailed explanation and link to a calculator here.

Q2. If I want to build a stone wall, how do I determine the number of pallets of wall stone I'll need?
A2. The rule of thumb there is that a pallet of wall stone is enough for about 30 linear feet, 1 foot high and single face.

Q3. Is it true that mulch attracts insects?
A3. Mulch doesn't necessarily attract insects, nor is it likely to support an infestation. Wood chips, on the other hand, though they don't necessarily attract insects, would more likely support an infestation. Wood-eating insects, such as carpenter ants, target wood, not the bark, so bark mulch doesn't usually offer anything attractive to them.

Q4. What repellents work best to keep woodchucks and other destructive animals out of my garden?
A4. There's no easy answer to that one. There are a number of products on the market, and people report various results. Predator urine, especially fox or coyote, has become very popular in recent years. It creates the illusion that predators are nearby, and that's a powerful deterrent. It's also all-natural. There are chemical and physical barriers, plus traps, woodchuck bombs, and scarecrows. Varmints are a perennial problem and there's no single solution.

Q5. I'd like to plant some shrubbery that blooms all summer. Any suggestions?
A5. About the only thing that fits that bill, and that can survive our New England winter, is the rose. Creating annual and perennial gardens will bring lots of vibrant color to your property, as well.

Q6. The guy at the discount department store said it's OK to put Grubex down in April, my neighbor says you wait till Fall, the bag says anytime from April through August. When DO I apply Grubex?
A6. There's a tremendous amount of confusion out there about this product, but here's the real deal: in southern New England, you apply Grubex, or Lebanon's Merit, in mid June to early July.
It all makes sense when you understand the biological timetable of the Japanese Beetle. It goes like this. Japanese Beetles terrorize your gardens in June. In July they burrow into the ground to lay their eggs. In late August and September, the eggs hatch into larvae ( the grub) and begin feeding on the roots of your lawn
In October, the grubs migrate below the frost line where they winter over in a dormant state. In March and April, they return to the root line for a Spring feeding. In May, they spin their cocoons, and in June emerge from the ground as adult Japanese Beetles
Merit and Grubex are in your soil for about 5 months, but it takes the active ingredient about a month to reach full strength. If you apply it in April, by the time it's at full strength, the grubs have spun cocoons and are protected. And by September, when you need it for the new crop of grubs, the active ingredient is pretty much depleted.
If you apply it in the Fall, the grubs may have migrated below the frost line before it reaches full strength. By the time they become active again in the Spring, the product has depleted.
If you apply it in late June or early July, the product is at peak effectiveness through August, September, and October, when you need it the most. You'll get a 97% kill rate, which will all but eliminate your grub problem next Spring.
Our thanks to Bob Schnabel of Lebanon-Seabord Corp. for his assistance in providing this information.

Q7. What do I need to think about when accepting a delivery from you?
A7. If leaving us a check, it should be left taped to a door. We are not permitted to enter your mailbox. We’d much prefer someone be there. You should inspect the materials before they are dumped. The driver will accept your payment and have you sign for it.
The location of septic lines, sprinkler heads, underground drains and utility lines are all important to the capabilities of the truck to drive in certain areas. The delivery truck weight could cause damage to any of these items if present. Be sure to advise your salesperson and/or driver of their presence. A typical delivery truck can cause damage when driving over concrete or stone pavement. Drivers are instructed not to drive on new pavement or asphalt as they take up to one year to cure, during which time they may be damaged.
During the delivery keep pets penned up and children out of the area. Drivers are unable to see objects that are directly behind the truck. Our first priority is safety. Drivers' decisions will be made on the basis of potential safety hazards and property damage.
When receiving a dump truck delivery, be aware that drivers cannot spread aggregates using the truck capabilities only. The stone will require additional manual raking after delivery to create an even surface.